Thursday, March 22, 2012


DefinedA person given to voluble, empty talk; a chatterbox, a loudmouth, an unstoppable talker of gossip and snipes. Coctail Banter Unless you want your secrets to be put on a billboard don't talk to Jim, he's a blatherskite. Literary Context
Coronis and Ischys had two sons one Esculapius the great physician who was made a god of the healing art and Blather who was not much to speak of as he was lazy dirty envious jealous ignorant joined the secret societies his family members of various churches he never read and studied nor attended medical societies or visited great hospitals was afraid to leave home even for a day thinking he might lose some good paying patient or could steal some good influential patients from other doctors Macula Blather was so unprofessional that they called him Blatherskite
In past every community has had its Blatherskite There are two kinds of Blatherskites viz the immoral Blatherskite who is intemperate profane lazy deals in anecdotes plays faro and seven up on horse races a great admirer and participant in chicken and dog fights if ever pays his debts stands in with toughs and sports and is envious of first class professional gentlemen It impossible for a Blatherskite to go onward and upward because they are built that way The other professional Blatherskite the pious fraud the moral kaleidoscope who is all things to all men of whom Bible says beware for he is the chief hypocrites He prays long and loud to run the church is a religious bulldozer envies every one who is more successful than himself hates everything and every body that does not conform to his way of gossippers and slanderers of his professional brethren he is the chief of sinners Through ignorance he loses more patients than any other doctor then has the audacity to pose as minister preach the funeral and offer spiritual consolation
Georgia Journal of Medicine and Surgery; J.B. Graham, J.G. Van Marter, W.E. Fitch, 1897


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