Thursday, November 11, 2010

Words from Chapter 17 of Senge's "The Fifth Discipline"

The Fifth DisciplineThe Fifth Discipline by Peter M. Senge

Here are definitions from Chapter 17 in the book:


A computer simulation that allows participants a real world simulation with in the safety of role playing and strategy practice games.

Microworld Purposes:

1. Future Learning

2. Seeing Hidden Strategic Opportunities

3. Discovering Untapped Leverage

Microworld Key issues (currently being studied):

1. Integration of Real World and Microworlds

2. Speeding up and Slowing Down Time

       That way one can see where and when interactions between players break down or works well.

3. Compressing Space

       Sometimes the dinosaur is too big to see the whole -  Microworlds help one see how each part interacts with each other part.

4. Isolation of Variables

        Can practice the what if scenarios.

5. Experimental Orientation

        Fear can be eased from the equation when the experiment is from a simulation not real world consequences.

6. Pauses for Reflection

         Pause and reflect: Why or why not is this a good idea?

7. Theory Based Strategy

Can the Micro-Worlds Simulations help break the move to mediocre.

8.  Insituational Memory

Simulations can be held within the organization, even when people move in and out of the organization.

Please read the book The Fifth Discipline by Peter M. Senge  to learn far more than these mere definitions.

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