Monday, November 8, 2010

Words from Chapter 12 of Senge's "The Fifth Discipline"

An Anarchist Archetype Hero
Knife's Edge: 
"The mind keeps wanting to move away form suspending assumptions to adaption non-negotiable and rigid opinions which we then feel compelled to defend."244

Symptomatic Solution:
Defensive routines that eliminate the learning gap by reducing the perceived need for learning. pg 253

the tendency of thought to break things apart.  pg 266

Language for Complexity:  
collective language that is designed to make it easier to discuss complex issues objectively and dispassionately. pg 268

Tomorrow-Vocabulary from  Chapter 13  Openness- answering the question: How can the politics and game playing that dominate traditional organizations be transcended? 

Senge, Peter M.  The Fifth Discipline (New York; DoubleDay Currency, 1990) 234-269.

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