Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Words from Chapter 13 of Senge's The Fifth Discipline

Openess Two Types: Reflective- the freedom to analyze and be honest about your own failings or lack of knowledge.
Participatory-the freedom to speak one's mind
Officer in a Barrell: When a manager feels isolated and attacked, spending more and more time explaining and justifying each individual action.
The Wall: a condition when others assume others are more intelligent than themselves and do not share insight.  This plagues the entire organization.
Compartmentalization of Knowledge: the way knowledge is structured in contemporary society, specialists in each field hold their own lens which they see as the only lens to the solution to a given divergent problem.
Convergent Problems: a problem that will lead to an answer.
Divergent Problems: a problem that will eventually will lead to no answer at all. It will break into many possible answers to a given question. 

Senge, Peter M.  The Fifth Discipline (New York; DoubleDay Currency, 1990) 273-286.

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