Thursday, February 23, 2012

Nugae Rabbinorum

Nuguae Rabbinorum

writing that is full of jests and trifles.  Writing from the Rabbis after the destruction of the Jewish Temple in 70 A.D..

  Cocktail Party Banter

I was reading the The Legends of the Jews Volume One, by Louis Ginzberg yesterday, and had to stop because of too much hilarity.

  Literary Context

Poetic phantasmagoria, frequently the vaporings of morbid visionaries, is the material out of which these scholars construct the theological system of the Rabbis, and fairy tales, the spontaneous cretions of the people which take the form of sacred legend in Jewish literature, are denominated the Scriptural exegesis of the Rabbis, and condemned incontinently as nugae rabbinorum.


1 comment:

  1. I've never heard anybody say this. Could this be considered a racial term?
