Gg: Gom(mach)
DefinitionA Fool
Cocktail Party BanterI am such a gommach.
Literary Context
Dom Aside What a hopeful enterprise is here spoiled
Gom O colonel are you there and you friar nay then I find how the world goes Lor Cheer up man thou art out of jeopardy heard thee crying out just now and came in full speed with the wings of an eagle and the feet of a tiger to thy rescue
Gom Ay you are always at hand to do me courtesy with your eagle's feet and your wings And what were you here for friar
Dom To interpose my spiritual authority in behalf Gom And why did you shriek out gentlewoman
Elv Twas for joy at your return
Gom And that casket under your arm for end and purpose
Elv Only to preserve it from the thieves
Gom And you came running out of doors
Elv Only to meet you sweet husband
Gom A fine evidence summed up among you thank you heartily you are all my friends colonel was walking by accidentally and my voice came in to save me the friar who hobbling the same way too accidentally again and not knowing of the colonel I warrant you he comes in to pray for me and my faithful wife runs out doors to meet me with all my jewels under her arm and shrieks out for joy at my return But if my father in law had not met your soldiers colonel and delivered me in the nick I should neither have found a friend nor a friar here and might have shrieked out for joy myself for the loss of my jewels and my wife
Dom Art thou an infidel Wilt thou not believe us
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